Most who are engaged in the work of residency training differentiate between an equipping residency and a finishing residency. Equipping efforts go deeper into the life of the planter and provide more substantial training over longer periods of time. Finishing efforts take a prepared man and help him through the practical implementations of his church plant. Usually, some sort of triage is done to determine the needs of a planter and the time scope necessary to prepare him sufficiently for the work ahead. Additionally, the biblical and theological training of a man must be considered along with the avenues for obtaining baseline theological competency.
Our residency will be equipping in its emphasis and will thereby engage, at minimum, a two-year scope and sequence. The first year we are simply calling a foundational year which will primarily give time and space to the head/heart dimensions of life. We want you to deepen theologically and personally as you are equipped for the work ahead.
The second year will be a sending year where practical finishing and a hands-on dimension will come to the forefront. In both years, the resident will engage in hands- on learning about the various ministries and functioning of a local church. Some residents may require additional time if deemed necessary for their theological training or emotional and spiritual readiness to plant.
Foundational Year
The purpose of the foundational year is to give you a deeper understanding of the nature of God’s mission, the sending of the church, and the nature of local church leadership. Our hope is to bring a level of humility and wisdom to the planting task without quenching the zeal, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit necessary to the work of church planting.
The teaching and instruction will be centered upon the head and heart of a Harbor Network church planter residency. These categories center on the vision of God for biblically based, healthy, multiplying churches as well as the planter growing in his knowledge of himself.
Sending Year
The purpose of the sending year is to begin to turn your heart and focus on the missional context and provide practical guidance on the skills necessary to fruitful church planting. In this year you will engage in active learning with project-based assignments to build the early seeds of their church plant, and depending upon geography, begin the early work to establish the new church plant.
Consideration will be given to whether the new plant will be down the street or in another geographical region of the world/country. If local, the cooperative work with the sending church and elders and the planter will be established by laboring for clarity on fundraising, plant team assembly and training, planter care and accountability, as well as the timeline for the church plant to be sent. Church apprenticeships and ongoing Preaching Cohort will continue during the sending year.
What follows is a description of the various parts of the Haus Residency experience.
The Anatomy of the Haus Residency
Regionally and Local Church Based
The goal of our residency is to locate training among a regionally connected family of local churches. This will allow residents to apprentice at various churches, be exposed to a broad range of teachers and mentors, as well as experience a sense of the interconnectedness of the Body of Christ on mission.
Pilot and Mentor Couple Assignments
At the beginning of the residency, each resident will be assigned a pilot to coach and guide them through the duration of their training. The pilot may your pastor, a church planting pastor, competent elder or a residency administrator. This person will be an advocate to provide counsel, friendship, and accountability to the you and to guide them through their work and development. They will also oversee the assignment of a primary church ministry to serve. You will report to this person throughout the duration of the program. We will also connect you with a mature lay couple in the church to provide a place of love, care, and free relational space for processing your residency experience.
Church Ministry Apprenticeship
You will be assigned to serve a ministry of a local church in a way that is practical and helpful. This could be, but not limited to, leading a small group, starting a new ministry, serving in student ministry, etc.
Preaching Cohort
As preaching and teaching the scriptures will be essential to church planting and pastoral leadership, our desire is that our residents engage with this work under the supervision of experienced practitioners. A Preaching cohort will be formed to train the residents in the study, exegesis, homiletical work, writing and delivery of sermons. Furthermore, opportunities to preach in some setting, along with evaluative feedback loops, will be provided. This may be Sunday morning, student ministry, summer chapels, local campus or high school ministries, Christian school chapels etc.
Ecclesiastical Observation and Rotations
The organization, ministry, and operation of local churches and their leadership should be an immersive part of your church apprenticeship. The functioning of elders, deacons, and the congregation of the church should be observed with instructional moments and feedback provided by church leaders. Our residents should participate in staff meetings, observe appropriate portions of elder meetings, and understand the processes associated with connecting visitors and new members.
We also will also provide time for you to connect and learn from those working in children’s ministry, student ministry, groups ministry, Sunday teams etc. Meeting with key leaders and shadowing operations will expose you to various ministries and systems for running the church. This experience and related observations will be vital for your future oversight of key ministries. We hope this provides an informal, organic, and wisdom gleaning opportunity for each resident.
Modular Training
Over the course of two years, you will engage training from seasoned practitioners related to the work of church planting and multiplication. Our modular training will be preceded by reading and preparation for a monthly interactive session together directed by Haus leaders and pastors. After each cohort gathering you will have assignments to complete that will help you build a body of work that will be beneficial to your church planting efforts.
These modules will be structured in three main areas: head, heart, and hands. The foundational year will be focused more on the head/heart areas whereas the sending year focused more so on the hands.
Sending Partners
Upon completion of our Haus Residency, we plan for our apprentices to be sent into their church planting or revitalizing work supported by one or both of our Sending Partners. Our partners provide accountability and resourcing for church planters, revitalizers, and their teams.
SEND Network
Send Network is a family of churches seeking to plant healthy, multiplying churches in every community across North America. We believe that healthy, multiplying churches discover, develop and deploy, church planting teams from within, and we believe every Send Network church is a multiplying church in the making.
Harbor Network
For Pastors and Leaders, Harbor Network offers safety and support to launch, lead, and multiply thriving churches. Together, we’re committed to the renewal of all things through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that when healthy leaders partner together, they find the safety and support they need to launch, lead, and multiply thriving churches.