
Attending Documents

The following documents will help get you started and are available as PDF downloads by clicking their covers below.

  1. Apprentice Guide - This is an overview of the Bonhoeffer Haus apprenticeship program. It details the mission, vision, and core identities of the Haus as well as the nature, anatomy, and rhythms of the apprenticeship program.

  2. Module Guide - This is an overview of our modular training broken out into a 3 year rhythm. It contains 9 areas of competency with 3 modules in each area. The full modules are available below under “Modular Training.”

  3. Onboarding Process – This is a simple onboarding process to follow to ensure your apprentices are prepared for the academic rhythms, relational rhythms, and communication rhythms within the Haus.

  4. Sample Job Description—We have provided a sample job description for incoming apprentices. Use this as a template and modify it to suit the needs of your church and the nature of your apprenticeship.

  5. Sample Calendar - We have provided a sample annual calendar along with a simple scope and sequence for modular trainings. Adjust the calendar to suit your cohorts needs and key events within your churches & networks.

  6. Apprentice Celebrations - Finally we have shared our rhythm of celebration for incoming & outgoing apprentices. Whether you follow our template or create your own, we encourage you to establish a culture of celebration as apprentices begin their training and are sent into their next ministry calling.

Modular Training

Our modular training aims to develop apprentices in various competencies through lectures and discussion led by a cohort director. We believe these modules will help apprentices build a body of work that will be beneficial to their growth and development as ministry leaders.